
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quote of the Day

When I was younger, I used to love reading quotes and thinking about how to relate the thoughts of others to my own life.  Last night I pulled out an old book that I read cover-to-cover during my teens years.  The book consists of all types of lists for different aspects of life and the section on happiness really touched me.  I decided to find an inspirational quote for today's blog and try to live up to it.  Today's quote is:

"I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward." ~ Charlotte Bronte.

I'm a HUGE planner.  I always have been and it will be hard to let go of that side of me, but I have learned over the years that I can't plan everything -- some things I have to leave to God and trust that He will guide me to the right place.  As I prepare for marriage, I've put a lot of energy into learning more about my faith and trying to grow in my relationship with God.  Will and I are spending a lot of time trying to grow together so we have a strong foundation as we begin our journey together, and I think this quote is a great one to try and live by.  We can plan all we want, but in the end God will guide us to where we need to be. 

Thank you Charlotte Bronte for not only being a talented writer (those of you who have not read her works, you should take the time to read her illustrative Wuthering Heights as well as other books and poems by her) but also a wise woman who made an impact during and after your life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm following you! yayyy. It's amusing because I'm the opposite, unless it's something huge, I don't plan anything, I just keep taking things one day at a time, see where I end up =)
