
About me

Hi! Thanks for stopping by to check out my page!

I'm in my mid-twenties and figuring out who I want to be. I recently moved back to Texas from New York and the last year has been spent with a great deal of self-discovery.

I've spent the few months setting some goals for myself as I prepare for my life with my wonderful fiance, Will. I'm getting married in March and I can't wait for the day I vow to spend my life with the man I've always prayed for.

I started this blog as a way to share my goals and dreams as I start my journey as a grown woman. I have always found that writing is the best way to discover what I am truly feeling and I'm hoping that this blog will help me figure out how to achieve some of the larger goals I have in mind for myself beginning with running my first half-marathon in December and preparing myself to be the wife my fiance deserves. There is plenty more I hope to include in this section, but I guess we can discover those things together.