
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

God has blessed me with wonderful friends

Yesterday was just an average day.  I woke up, went to work, went running, and spent the evening with Will.  The thing that made it special was the realization that I am blessed with such wonderful friends.

Some people have "friends" and others have friends.  I think the difference is that "friends" are those who will be there when you have something to offer them and friends are family.

My focus today is on my girl friends.  I have come across so many wonderful women in my life and I am blessed to have girls who will be there through thick and thin.  I don't know how I have found so many loyal, loving, amazing friends, but I just have to say, I don't know where I'd be without all of those friends who have helped me become the person I am today.  Thank you to all of the beautiful women who are there for me every day.


  1. aww how sweet! I love being your friend, you're a great friend to! I think that the better friend a person can be to someone else, the better the friends they'll have for themselves (I think that makes sense?)

    PS - does running hurt your shoulder? I'm scared to run now that I found out about my back. It's not really my back, it's the point right at the bottom of my shoulder blade.

  2. It does make sense and I feel the same way! I'm so lucky to have friends like you :)

    Before my shoulder surgery it did hurt to run. I had to stop working out because it was too painful, but I think it just depends on how it feels. It's like anything, if it hurts too much, you probably shouldn't be doing it. Right now I'm ok running because it doesn't affect my rotator cuff as much, but after it dislocated a couple weeks ago, I took a week off. Give it a try and see how it goes. If it hurts too much, take it easy. And remember to ice it! Or just go outside at night ;)

  3. ok, I'm going to try to run either today or tomorrow! I'll let you know how it goes =)

  4. I'm not sure if this would apply for your shoulder/back, Sarah, but my back tends to ache a lot because of my scoliosis. My doctor told me the best things I can do are weight-bearing excercises, like running, to help relieve the back pain. Good luck!

  5. I hope you enjoy being here I look forward to seeing your posts :)
